Intraday alerts for Dow Jones Industrial Average stock index
Время сигнала | Цена входа | Стоп-лосс | Статус | Макс. прибыль | Показать |
Mar 12, 05:00 | 41193.1 | открыть | войти | 535 пипс | Показать » |
Mar 06, 10:30 | 42706.9 | открыть | войти | 1526 пипс | Показать » |
Mar 03, 07:30 | 43672.7 | открыть | войти | 1320 пипс | Показать » |
The Dow Jones Industrial Average is a price-weighted average of 30 blue-chip stocks that are generally the leaders in their industry. It has been a widely followed indicator of the stock market since October 1, 1928.
CFD Trading system provides intraday Online Alerts for the market indices popular. Now it supported next Indicies: DAX 30, FTSE 100, Dow Jones 30, S&P 500, Nasdaq 100, Australia 200 Cash. Every alert get Enter point in market, direct deal, risk in points, stoploss point, takeprofit point. Now provides alerts for 2 timeframes, H1 alerts gives 1-2 alerts per active session. And M15 alerts 3-4 alerts per active session.